Unisinos Postgraduate - Nutrition and Food (MSc/PhD) - In person - São Leopoldo
Professional Master's

Nutrition and Food (MSc/PhD)

In person - São Leopoldo


São Leopoldo


2 years


The Professional Master's in Nutrition and Food aims at training professionals that combine an investigative attitude to a manufacturing practice, so as to act in the areas of Nutrition and Food, transferring knowledge to society in order to meet the current demands of the work market.

The Professional Master's Degree in Nutrition and Food is the first in Brazil in the area of Nutrition approved by CAPES. The course is part of the Technological Institute for Food for Health - itt Nutrifor. Linked to the institute, the course develops applied research that can directly collaborate on changes in the diet, in the production of food, in the development of innovative products and, consequently, on the improvement of the lifestyle, with a positive impact on public health and on the quality of life of individuals.

With the scientific and technological advances, the researches that present a multidisciplinary focus are the most promising regarding social applicability. The PPG Nutrition and Food is composed of professors from various fields such as Nutritionists, Biologists, Managers, Food Engineers, Agronomists and Pharmaceuticals among professors and doctors. In this context, the course becomes innovative due to its theoretical and scientific design that is supported by the principles of the generation and application of interdisciplinary knowledge in nutrition and food.

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Emphasis: Nutrition & Food

The Postgraduate Program in Nutrition and Food (PPNF) presents Nutrition and Food as an area of concentration, aims to train and qualify professionals with degrees in the areas of Nutrition, Food and the like, as well as to conduct, through oriented study and research, to obtain a degree that qualifies for the exercise of teaching activities, scientific research, technological development and innovation in their professional area.

Imagem da Área de concentração

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Master's Degree Curriculum

The Master's Degree comprises 20 credits, relating to the courses, four credits relating to the dissertation and two credits for complementary activities. The student must take Compulsory (four courses, equivalent to 12 credits) and Optional (four courses, to be chosen, equivalent to 8 credits). The complementary credits may be achieved through publications, technical visits, seminars and exchanges. Among the optional courses, the student may take up to 4 credits in other stricto sensu Graduate Programs accredited from this University or other higher education institution.

Compulsory Courses - Research Line: Human Nutrition and Metabolism (12 credits) keyboard_arrow_down

- Nutritional Ecology (3 credits)
- Advanced Topics (3 credits)
- Research Methodology (2 credits)
- Biochemistry Applied to Nutrition (2 credits)
- Physiological and Metabolic Bases of Health and Disease (2 credits)

Compulsory Courses - Research Line: Quality and Innovation in Foods (12 credits) keyboard_arrow_down

- Nutritional Ecology (3 credits) - Advanced Topics (3 credits) - Research Methodology (2 credits) - Food Science and Innovation (2 credits) - New Product Development (2 credits)

Optative Courses keyboard_arrow_down

- Application of Functional Ingredients in Product Development
- Gastronomy and Food Technology for Special Purposes
- Management of Agrofood Production Chains
- Special topics
- Biostatistics*
- Special Topics II - Didactics in Higher Education***
- Strategic Marketing**
- Scientific Writing****
- Registration of Products, Trademarks, Intellectual Property and Patents****
* - Shared course with PPG in Public Health;
** - Shared course with PPG in Administration;
*** - Shared course with PPG in Educational Management;
**** - Shared discipline with PPG Nursing

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Fale com um consultor


The student of the Nutrition and Food Graduate Program has at your disposal a faculty composed mostly of masters, doctors and post-doctor, with national and international training and recognized professional experience.

Cristiano Dietrich Ferreira

Cristiano Dietrich Ferreira

Doutor em Ciência e Tecnologia Agroindustrial

Agronomist (2012), PhD in Food Science and Technology (2014 and 2017) from the Federal University of Pelotas. Professor in the Graduate Program in Nutrition and Food and researcher at Itt Nutrifor at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos. He develops research on the following themes: a) Drying, storage, processing and quality of grains, with a focus on maintaining protein quality, starch, oil and specialized metabolites b) Use of emerging technologies to improve the quality and conservation of vegetables.

Denise Zaffari

Denise Zaffari

Doutora em Ciências da Saúde (Cardiologia)

Nutritionist from Unisinos University (UNISINOS) PhD in Cardiovascular Sciences from Institute of Cardiology/University Foudation of Cardiology Master in Cardiovascular Sciences from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) works in the line of research in nutrition and human metabolism, with and emphasis on clinical nutrition and on health education, whose focus of investigation is to understand the nutritional status in different diseases, as well as the relation between the nutritional interventions and the clinical outcomes. 

Jessica Fernanda Hoffmann

Jessica Fernanda Hoffmann

Doutora em Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos

Food Technologist and Doctor in Food Science and Technology. Research interests include analysis of bioactive compounds, volatile compounds, mycotoxins, and discrimination of origin and species through metabolomic analysis in fruits, vegetables, and grains, as well as, research and development of food products. She is a Professor in the Professional Master in Nutrition and Food, a researcher at Itt Nutrifor at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos, a consultant at Sebraetec-SEBRAE / RS. She has a CNPq Research Productivity Scholarship Level 2.

Murilo Ricardo Zibetti

Murilo Ricardo Zibetti

Doutor em Psicologia

Coordinator of MIND-Lab (Laboratory of Measurement and Intervention on Neurocognition through Development). Currently, he conducts research on the following topics: development and cross-cultural adaptation of psychological assessment tools for psychotherapy and clinical neuropsychology, dimensional and transdiagnostic models of psychopathology, interfaces between neurosciences, psychophysiology, and new technologies applied to mental health.

Paula Dal Bó Campagnolo

Paula Dal Bó Campagnolo

Doutora em Ciências da Saúde

Nutritionist. PhD in Health Sciences from the Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre. Professor of the Undergraduate Course in Nutrition and the Professional Master's in Nutrition and Food at UNISINOS. Has experience in the field of Nutrition, with an emphasis on Epidemiology, working mainly with the following themes: Maternal and child nutrition, consumption of ultra-processed in childhood, obesity and cardiovascular risk factors in childhood and nutritional assessment.

Rochele Cassanta Rossi

Rochele Cassanta Rossi

Doutora em Ciências Farmacêuticas

PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences from UFRGS, Specialist in Tec. of Food and Teaching in Nanosciences and Graduated in Pharmacy from UFSM. Dean of the UNISINOS School of Health, Full Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Nutrition and Food and of the Undergraduate courses in Pharmacy, Biomedicine and Nutrition. He has experience in research and teaching in the area of ??Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods, Innovation in Functional Ingredients, Pharmacological Activity of Bioactive Compounds in Human Metabolism and Nanotechnology.

Valmor Ziegler

Valmor Ziegler

Doutor em Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos

Food Technologist at the Federal Farroupilha Institute - Campus Santo Augusto. Master and PhD in Food Science and Technology by UFPEL. Specialist in Professional Education with Qualification for Teaching and Food Science in the area of concentration of Technology of fruits and vegetables. He has experience in the area of post-harvest, industrialization and quality of grains and their derivatives, development of new food products for health and adding value to agri-food raw materials and agro-industrial waste.

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