
TrailTrade: A model for trail-aware commerce support

Context-aware applications adapt their functionalities based on users’ profiles and their current contexts. Complementarily, a trail is the history of the contexts visited by a user. Trails enable applications to explore the users’ past behavior. In this sense, trail awareness is considered an evolution of the context awareness, because applications explore an additional and more [...]

ORACON: An adaptive model for context prediction

Context prediction has been receiving considerable attention in the last years. This research area seems to be the next logical step in context-aware computing, which, until a few years ago, had been concerned more with the present and the past temporal dimensions. Most of research works related to context prediction employ the same algorithm for [...]

Towards a Semantic Repository for Learning Objects: Design and Evaluation of Core Services

Repositories form a central piece of the learning objects technology, providing storage spaces where the objects can be catalogued, located, and retrieved. However, repositories usually support only syntactical and morphological aspects of learning objects metadata for cataloguing and searching purposes. This article proposes two integrated systems, which provide the core services of a semantic repository [...]

A Collaborative Model for Ubiquitous Learning Environments

Use of mobile devices and widespread adoption of wireless networks have enabled the emergence of Ubiquitous Computing. Application of this technology to improving education strategies gave rise to Ubiquitous e-Learning, also known as Ubiquitous Learning. There are several approaches to organizing ubiquitous learning environments, but most of them employ a centralized architecture. This approach offers [...]

The role of a cognitive based model in multimodal interaction systems dialogue management

Researchers, in Multimodal Interaction Systems, devote substantial effort to the integration of external stimulus and signal, to the internal representation of this information and to the response generation. Nevertheless, they focus less effort on how to integrate studies in Cognitive Psychology regarding the human interaction subject. Therefore, it becomes interesting to evaluate the assumption that [...]

Impact of Thresholds and Load Patterns when Executing HPC Applications with Cloud Elasticity

Elasticity is one of the most known capabilities related to cloud computing, being largely deployed reactively using thresholds. In this way, maximum and minimum limits are used to drive resource allocation and deallocation actions, leading to the following problem statements: How can cloud users set the threshold values to enable elasticity in their cloud applications? [...]

A model for learning objects adaptation in light of mobile and context-aware computing

The growth usage of mobile technologies and devices such as smartphones and tablets, and the almost ubiquitous wireless communication set the stage for the development of novel kinds of applications. One possibility is exploiting this scenario in the field of education, so creating more intelligent, flexible and customizable systems. Mobile devices can be used to [...]

REBASS: Um Modelo para Recomendação de Objetos de Aprendizagem Utilizando Similaridade de Sessões

Um Objeto de Aprendizagem (OA) é qualquer entidade ou recurso que possa ser utilizado no aprendizado auxiliado por computador. Podem ser textos, conteúdo multimídia, apresentações, programas ou qualquer outro tipo de conteúdo digital, normalmente disponibilizados em portais Web ou em sistemas de Ensino A Distância (EAD). Os OAs consultados por um aluno durante uma sessão [...]

Controle de Acesso Baseado na Inferência em Trilhas

Professionals are constantly seeking qualification and consequently increasing their knowledge in their area of expertise. Thus, it is interesting to develop a computer system that knows its users and their work history. Using this information, even in the case of professional role change, the system could allow the renewed authorization for activities, based on previously [...]

U-Deal: A Decentralized Trail-aware Model for Business Opportunities Identification

This article presents the U-Deal, a decentralized and multi-agent ubiquitous commerce model, that describes a peer-to-peer context aware system, with a distributed context history (trail) engine and a dynamic profile generator. The aim of the model is to provide an automatic deal opportunity recommendation based on user profile, preferences and activities history in a peer-to-peer [...]

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